Fireworks Will Take Place in Toms River for July 4th

It’s just been announced (Patch) that Toms River will have a 4th of July fireworks spectacular. This comes following the postponement of the Beachwood Fireworks until Labor Day Weekend as initially reported by WOBM. Now, we will two fireworks celebrations this summer: Toms River on the 4th and Beachwood on Labor Day Weekend.
Toms River businessman Jesse Sipe, who owns Sipe Adjustment Group, will sponsor the Fireworks Show at Shelter Cove in Toms River.
Shelter Cove will have a 500 seat limit, due to government regulations. Boaters will also be able to view.
The idea of limiting crowd size, in my opinion, is a good thing. It is too early to go all out and have families over exposed. People can enjoy from a far safely and the 500 seat area will keep things safe for spectators at the event. As mentioned many boaters will social distance and enjoy show from their personal watercraft.
Additional details will follow according to the Sipe Adjustment Group Facebook page, I’m assuming info on how you can be part of the 500 on hand at Shelter Cover.
Time for the fireworks show is listed at 9 pm to 10 pm, Saturday, July 4th.
Check out their Facebook page for more details.

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