Introducing A New Photography Series with Shawn Michaels

Season One: Episode One
I'm very excited to start this new series that I am calling "Still Words". It's a look at photography (still pictures) with the spoken word. It's a chance to talk and discuss photos with listeners who enjoy photography and explain my motivation behind various photos.
Photography is hugely popular around the world now with apps like Instagram allowing millions of people to take pictures every day. Most are amateur photographers like myself. We focus more on the idea than the technical aspects, although I am not speaking for everyone and I do try to have a basic knowledge of the art of photography.
I love photography as a hobby and you have seen many pics from me over the years, but I never really explain the shots. It was more of a brief 'here is the subject and I took this at'. This gives me more of a chance to explain each shot.
I have decided to randomly select photos from my collection to share with you once a month and we hope you enjoy this distraction from all the "static" of life and take a few minutes to sit back and watch "Still Words".
I'd love to have you share photos you have taken that you enjoy and tell us why. You can share your photos and descriptions in comments and on our social media.
Let me know if you are enjoying "Still Words" :)

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