This Gets My Blood Boiling! Dog Left to Die in Barnegat

This story makes my blood boil! The idea of someone just throwing away a dog like taking out the trash is just a heinous act. As a dog owner and lover it is just horrible to think someone would be so cruel that they wouldn't even give this poor animal a chance to survive.
Our friends from Popcorn Park Zoo reached out to me with information about this terrible crime in Barnegat Township. It appears someone wanted to get rid of a dog and they decided to just leave it in a cage out in the elements without any food or water, basically to die.
On Monday, December 28th the folks at Associated Humane Society/Popcorn Park Zoo received a call that someone had come across an abandoned dog in Barnegat Township. The poor dog was found in a wooded area near West Bay Avenue in Barnegat. After arriving at the scene and getting information from the man who found the dog, Animal Control Officer Maria Cymanski brought the dog back to Popcorn Park for medical examinations and shots. According to officials the dog does not have any identification or microchip.
This story is just awful, to leave a pet caged and with food and water in winter is criminal. Not even giving this poor animal a chance makes me sick to my stomach. Our dog is part of our family and how someone could take this poor dog out into the woods and leave without a chance of surviving is beyond comprehension.
Help This Dog Find a Forever Home
According to officials....there is a $1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual responsible. So if you can help, please do so. Email the Barnegat Township Human Law Enforcement Officer at palasits385@barnegatpolice.us
Our friends at Popcorn Park have named this female Siberian Husky “Ginger” and they say she is an incredibly “sweet, friendly and happy dog.” Ginger is not up for adoption yet, she is still on a stray-hold. We will keep you up to date on when she does become available for adoption by a loving family.
Give your dog/dogs a hug tonight and if you can help find this criminal please reach out to Barnegat Police. If you can’t love your pet.....let someone who can do so, just don't throw away the poor animal-like it is garbage.....horrible!

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