"For the first time in three years, the United States will be able to experience a total lunar eclipse. According to NASA, it will be one of the sky's most dazzling shows, as the moon will be at its closest point to Earth, making the moon appear slightly bigger and a lot brighter, an event that is often referred to as a supermoon."

If you love a good "full" moon, then you won't want to miss this months edition!

This Month we will be treated to the "Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse" a great combination for area astronomers. I have recently gotten into doing lunar photography and enjoy the "full" moon. Yes it's bright and difficult at times to capture, but when you can it's very cool.

According to CNN  a total lunar eclipse is often called a blood moon because when the sun, Earth and moon align, the sunlight that passes through the Earth's atmosphere will appear to turn the moon red.

In addition...because lunar eclipses can occur only during a full moon, and the first full moon in January is known as a "wolf moon"....many are calling this spectacular event a "Super Blood Wolf Moon Eclipse."

Best viewing will occur Monday, January 21st at 12:12 am here on the east coast, let's hope for clear skies.



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