To celebrate American Heart Month and to encourage people of all ages to dance and keep moving as a way to stay heart healthy, Community Medical Center and Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus, Barnabas Health facilities, will host the Second Annual Day of Dance on Saturday, February 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Ocean County Mall. Local dance groups will perform throughout the day including BeeCause, Creative Cardio, Denise Danielle Dance Studio, Lake Ridge Liners, N-Step, and Renaissance Ceili Group.
The event is free and pre-registration is not required. Participants may stop by throughout the day and learn basic steps to take to achieve optimal heart health. Free blood pressure, body mass index, and lung cancer screening will be offered. Information on Barnabas Health cardiac services will be provided.
There will a prize drawing for a wearable wireless activity tracker and take-away information on many aspects of heart disease detection, prevention, and treatment.
Day of Dance is part of Spirit of Women and HeartCaring initiatives which are dedicated to expanding the wide array of health education activities, including health screenings, lectures, and support groups that reach women in all stages of their lives.
For more information on or a referral to a cardiologist, call 1-888-724-7123 or visit

President and CEO of Community Medical Center, Stephanie Bloom, Joined Shawn & Sue on Tuesday:


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