What Do We Need Here in Ocean County? [Opinion]
It's a question I know will receive a lot of different answers, but I'm curious in 2019 what residents would like to see here in Ocean County. What do we need to improve the quality of life in Ocean County?
Here are some of my thoughts:
- Clean up and reorganize empty strip malls throughout the county #eyesores
- Pothole repair work on area roadways
- Train service that connects Point Pleasant through Ocean County south to Cape May
What we need here in the county will vary from person to person and it's good to take a sample of residents' thoughts. We will take your input and discuss here on the Ocean County Breakfast Show this week with Shawn & Sue.
Listeners shared their thoughts:
Bud: Change the gun laws age requirement to 25. Presently to buy a long gun the age is 17. A handgun is 21 (at Walmart). Change all NJ Gun laws to 25. 80% of all shootings in NJ these days are between the ages of 17-25.
Debi: Easy and available public transportation... like a decent bus service.
Kali: Homeless shelter.
Robin: Added to Kali's (Homeless Shelter) Yes, with the services to get those citizens into jobs and permanent housing.
Janet: We need somewhere for the teen crowd in northern and southern Ocean County to be able to hang out... like an iPlay America type place.
Carole: Definitely buses.
What do YOU think we need here in Ocean County ?