
This Health Scare Put Things Back in Perspective
This Health Scare Put Things Back in Perspective
This Health Scare Put Things Back in Perspective
I'm spending a lot more quality time with my dog these days. I realized that I'm often so busy working and running around that she's not really getting the best part of me. She's getting what's leftover after long, hectic days. That's really not fair to her so I'm using this health scare to get me back to being a more attentive doggie parent.
Would You Clone Your Pet Like Streisand Did?
Would You Clone Your Pet Like Streisand Did?
Would You Clone Your Pet Like Streisand Did?
Assuming Barbra Streisand's decision to clone her beloved dog came from that deep love that we all have for our pets, I can sort of understand her motivation. But if I had to chose one side or the other, I'd rather adopt a dog rather than clone. What are your reasons for and against cloning?
I Wish I Could Take The Show Outside Today
I Wish I Could Take The Show Outside Today
I Wish I Could Take The Show Outside Today
Many people and pets have had a bit of cabin fever being cooped up during the past couple of weeks of frigid temps and snowy, icy conditions. What will YOU do to take advantage of the warm temperatures today? I'm going to sit outside and read while I enjoy a nice cup of tea. Then Taylor and I will have a play date with my friends and their dogs.

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