Today, another ice storm in Ocean and Monmouth County, I want spring.


Sorry, snow and winter lovers, I'm a spring and summer girl. Spring comes flowers, no snow, gardening, no snow, head to the boardwalk. I'm writing no snow, but we all know that sometimes in spring we get snow. The first day of spring this year is Saturday March 20th, 2021.

So many of our listeners wrote to me and told me what they were looking forward too.

I asked the question, "What are you most excited about for spring?" These are some great ones, "thank you" so much.

Linda - No more long johns

Tina - Butterfly releases

Amy - Outdoor visits

Teddy - Opening the windows

Erica - Taking walks

Kim - Warm weather and flowers

George - Turning off the heat

Spring is Americans favorite season according to a recent poll, according to, summer comes in second. Spring is loved by baby boomers and millennials the most.

From a recent poll by here's what we are most looking forward too:

  • “Spring sounds and smells, and no ice on the roads”
  • “Growing LOTS of veggies”
  • “Just being able to get out and move”
  • “More hustle and bustle on the street, and wearing lighter clothing"

One thing no one is excited for is the pollen. Because of the ice and snow this winter, our pollen could be high this spring. Several of you mentioned there are more bugs in the spring. Spring cleaning is the number one thing on our "to do" list and getting the garden ready.

Ocean County, spring is here in 5 weeks, what are you most looking forward too?


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