Smile For Mom & Dad
It is truly an exciting time for high school seniors and their families. Proms, academic and athletic awards programs and of course graduation. All are truly special and mark the end of one phase of a teenager’s life and the beginning of another one.
With so much going on in a somewhat condensed time frame it might seem like you go from one to another without any time in between but it’s important to try and slow things down. This after all is a special time and should be enjoyed and celebrated. For parents who have been through this before with an older child they know what to expect but if it’s your first time then it might seem like a whirlwind.
Take a deep breath and take plenty of pictures because these are all…to steal a quote from a past generation…Kodak moments. A note to the soon-to-be graduates. SMILE! Mom and Dad want to take pictures because it’s their moment as much as yours. So when they ask you to pose for the 75th time don’t complain. They once changed your diapers and are largely responsible for getting you across this finish line so cooperate and be happy.
One more thing. While I know graduation programs are different one of the things that drives me crazy are those who hoot, holler, whistle and generally disrupt the ceremony when their family member’s name is read. If an announcement is made to hold your applause to the end there is a reason for that. While you are putting on a show for your kid the next name is being read and nobody hears it. Yes this is a fun and happy moment but a little respect would be nice.
Enjoy and congratulations to the graduates…and of course their families.
SouthCoast's Best Graduation Caps Class of 2023
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