Learning To Appreciate The Simple Things
I was driving in my neighborhood this week and for some reason noticed a father walking his daughter to school. She was about 8-years old, had a Barbie backpack and they were holding hands and smiling. For a moment it took me back to more than 20 years ago because that could have been me with my little girl. Two things came to mind…I miss those days when your children needed you for everything and it seems like the simple things could make you so happy.
Life has gotten very complex and I think we often overlook those simple things that are not only special but can stay with you for a while. Here are some examples:
- The smell of a new baby. When my grandson Luca was born five months ago it was his smell that captivated me.
- Following up on that…when a baby laughs/smiles. Melts your heart.
- When the sky paints a magnificent picture that leaves you speechless.
- The sound of the ocean. No matter how bad of a day I’m having the sights and sounds of waves crashing takes me to another place.
- Sitting outside on a cool morning with a cup of coffee and the New York Post.
- Laughing so hard that you cry.
- Hearing a song on the radio that reminds you of a special moment in your life.
- A spring or fall day on the beach where you need a sweat shirt while pouring into a good book.
- The smell of fresh brewed coffee.
- Putting on an old pair of sweat pants and finding a $20 bill in the pocket.
- Watching the Rangers, Knicks or Mets with the love of your life even if she doesn’t know all the rules.
- A rainy Sunday afternoon when you have no guilt about not doing anything.
- Being called G-pa by your grandson.
We all need to learn to appreciate the simple things in life because the bigger ones can be overwhelming.