Shawn’s Quest to Catch Mrs Raccoon! Day One
If you are a regular listener with Sue and I in the morning then you know I have a raccoon that has decided my home is her home! We think it's the same that has destroyed my roof and had babies in my kitchen wall! So I have taken listeners advice and purchased a "catch and release" trap and will try to relocate Mrs Raccoon to a new "wooded" neighborhood... far far away from my home!
So Day One: I set the trap up complete with some tasty treats, including peanut butter and cat food and left the lights off so not to scare Mrs Raccoon, although I think she's past lights at this point .... no sounds from the cage and I left for work at 3:45 am .... however my Wife sent me a pic once it was light this morning and here's the results from our first night ....
That's not Mrs Raccoon! It's Mr Possum! Who ate all the food and now I have to relocate him, meantime Mrs Raccoon is still out there! We will re-set and try Day Two later tonight ... stay tuned!
Here are the babies Mrs Raccoon left last time! Check out the video and rescue ....
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