We're a unique bunch here in New Jersey, and of course in Ocean County. With the Summer season in full swing, we're going to have a lot of visitors coming through. And there are a few ways that you can tell an out-of-towner from a local. Here are my top 5 "tells":



They're Easily Confused On Our Roads
When you tell someone to take the second jughandle and cross the highway and they look at you like you just spoke to them in Swahili, they're probably not a local.


They Don't Know How To Pronounce Our Towns
The second that you hear someone say "Fork-t River", you know they're not an Ocean County local.


They Don't Understand Beach Badges
I feel bad for all of the beach attendants out there - I can only imagine how many times they have to chase people down who think they can just mosey right on to the beach. Agree with it or not, our beaches aren't free, and us locals know that.


They Don't Wait For Gas Attendants
Ok, so we all know by now that this particular topic is one of my pet peeves. But still, most people not from here don't realize that you can't just hop out of your car and start pumping willy nilly, that's crazy talk!


They Drive Like Maniacs
Ok, so in general this statement can apply to a lot of locals too. But one of the big things that sets us apart - we know where the speed traps are (and we're not telling!). Locals may speed, but we also know when to slow down. See someone pulled over right before the Toms River toll plaza? Probably from out of town!


What would you add to the list? Tell us in the comments!

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