We Could All Use A Little Holiday Spirit
Stealing some lyrics from a popular song, “for we need a little Christmas right this very minute.” I know we could have said this last year and the year before and the year before that…in truth it’s appropriate for this time every year.
However not counting pandemic times it might be the case that this year we all need a touch of that holiday spirit. Look around us, we may be told the economy is strong by some measurements but many are struggling. More and more we hear about food insecurity and those that used to be embarrassed when it comes to collecting donated food now gladly accept it. It seems homelessness is becoming a bigger problem and not just in big cities but signs of it are almost everywhere.
We are indirectly involved in two wars at the same time, one of which threatens democracy across the globe. Just about every day gun violence takes innocent lives with no end in sight. We are a nation divided by left and right, red and white and the one thing we don’t get from our elected leaders is leadership. I don’t want to sound negative but it’s truly a chaotic time here, there and everywhere.
So enter Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa…whatever you celebrate. They are all very different yet the same in one regard and that is the good feelings that comes with the holiday and celebration. Families and friends get together, some exchanges gifts while others just exchange smiles, hugs and handshakes. It’s that feeling you get and receive when you wish someone a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Blessed Kwanzaa.
One thing we could all use in our lives is a little peace and joy…no arguing that.
LOOK: Retail workers share 21 of the worst things customers do, especially during holidays
Gallery Credit: Mike Brant