Things We Used To Do at the Jersey Shore
I was listening to a program online and the subject of the podcast was "things we used to do". So, I've decided to think about things we used to do here at the Jersey Shore, which may be applicable to anywhere really. These are events that used to be a part of our lives, but now have evolved over time. Maybe you can add or extend our list.
Things we used to do:
- Look for a pay phone to make a call
- Stand in line at the bank
- Go to the video store
- Spend all day at the inspection station
- Visit a music store to buy records!
- Go to Burger Chef and Bonanza
- Collect wacky packages
- Collect baseball cards!
- Go to the arcade to play video games
- Buy a calendar
- See kids playing outside
Do you agree? Do You have any additions to that list?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below.
NEXT: Pokemon Go Invades Toms River