In a summer scarred by beachfront tragedies, a father and son escape harm after being stranded in Barnegat Inlet - and survive an experience that both can tell their respective grandchildren.


What began as a Sunday jet ski jaunt from Long Beach Township became a harrowing night braving violent rainstorms on a marshy island before a middle-of-the-night rescue by the Coast Guard.

Officials with USCG's Atlantic City station wouldn't divulge their identities but say the pair called the attention of rescuers by physically whistling from the island. They say the two were unhurt.

A spokesman says that search crews found the wayward jet ski, but no lanyard or key, around 2:30 AM and heard the whistles a short time later.

They told rescuers that it drifted off while they were preparing for some kite surfing, and that they swam to the island where they were spotted, still clad in floatation gear.

"The father and son were very wise to stay together, remain calm, wear their life jackets, and wait for responders to find them," Warrant Officer Jay Greinert said in a release. "Simple boating safety practices can truly make a difference during a distress situation."

A Coast Guard official says it isn't uncommon for boaters to be separated from their crafts, especially when weather conditions create restless waters.

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