Trading White, Pink & Light Blue for Brown, Orange & Viva Magenta
This is somewhat of a follow-up to Monday’s segment which addressed the feeling and fact that summer is all but over even if fall does not officially begin until this weekend. This week will be partially devoted to my sadness over the change of seasons and CLOTHES is one of the main reasons why.
I really like my summer wardrobe even if I did not get a chance to display much of it this summer because of my health limitations. I have so many pairs of shorts and shirts that I didn’t even wear over the past three months. However I did not wear long pants once since early June with the exception of a wedding. As always the priority was cool, casual and light clothing and shoes without socks.
Now I’m not ready to put everything away because I really don’t understand where it says we can’t continue to wear white, pink, yellow and light blue? Should I be worried that the fashion police are going to stop me because I’m not wearing brown, orange, grey or Viva Magenta which is the color of the year and described as a red shade with purple overtones. No thank you!
So I will continue to wear my summer clothes until my wife says I can’t any longer which will probably be very soon. She rules the day when it comes to fashion…and just about everything else.
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