Toms River Teacher/Coach With Wawa Rant
Shawn Michaels
As you are hearing this I am having hip replacement surgery and for that reason I have chosen a pinch-hitter to fill in for me this morning. Jim Rankin is a teacher and coach at Toms River High School South and also the captain of the Seaside Park Beach Patrol where I like to spend a lot of time in the summer. Through an email group we both are part of Jim likes to share his thoughts with others, often about his daily morning trips to the Wawa on Fischer Boulevard where he gets coffee and more. Over the years he has noticed many things that, for lack of a better word, irk him. Here are his words:
Let’s begin with the people that choose to sit in their vehicles, sipping their morning coffee and maybe even reading the newspaper. While I do not have an issue with this, I do take exception with the fact that this usually comes along with occupying a prime spot. Wawa is an “in and out” establishment. If you choose to prolong your stay, I would ask that you politely leave the front row spots for us quick hitters.
We shift next to the customers that deem it necessary to back their cars into spots. I also do not have a problem with this, but if the easy exit is what you are looking for, you can opt for the satellite lot that is usually located to one side of the Wawa. I find it hard to believe you cannot find a pull through spot at this location. I just do not see the need to clog the lot with a k-turn so you can back your car into a spot in the front. While we are on the subject of parking….stay in the lines please.
Lastly, we really need to start enjoying the journey and the moment. I cannot for the life of me understand why everyone is in such a rush to get to the next big thing. What does it have to do with Wawa? There is no reason on my morning coffee run in late August I should see Pumpkin Spice as an offered flavor. Just like there is no need for holiday cups to be out before I have put on my costume to go trick-or-treating with my kids. In summer, let’s enjoy the beach without thinking about the arrival of fall. After all, it will arrive whether we like it or not. When it’s fall, let’s enjoy the leaves changing color, Halloween and Thanksgiving. We all look forward to the Holiday season. But why rush it. Why rush anything? Enjoy the journey.
My thanks for Jim Rankin who may have earned a future invitation to share his thoughts.
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Gallery Credit: Mike Brant