New Jersey Legislature

Ban on Serving Food in New Jersey Funeral Homes Could Be Lifted [POLL]
Ban on Serving Food in New Jersey Funeral Homes Could Be Lifted [POLL]
Ban on Serving Food in New Jersey Funeral Homes Could Be Lifted [POLL]
Serving food or beverages at a funeral home is currently illegal in New Jersey. It is, however, legal to serve food in a funeral home in a majority of states across the country. A new bill that is making its way through the New Jersey legislature that could change that. So we're asking: should food be served in New Jersey's funeral homes?
Fishing Becomes Weapon In War On Drugs Under Proposed Legislation
Fishing Becomes Weapon In War On Drugs Under Proposed Legislation
Fishing Becomes Weapon In War On Drugs Under Proposed Legislation
A program that combats the lure of drugs with the great outdoors would go statewide if a shore-based bill becomes law. The Future Fisherman Foundation's "Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs" program flourishes in Ocean County and in more than 30 states, says state Senator Chris Connors (R-9)...