Is there anything we take more for granted than our health? 

Crackers (Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for The New York Culinary Experience)

How often do you wake up in the morning, get out of bed and proclaim “I feel great?” We rarely do and even when we feel good it seems often we’re almost embarrassed to admit it.

You are greeted by someone in the morning with “how do you feel today” and despite feeling just fine you meekly respond with one of the following:

  1. Not bad
  2. I’ve been worse
  3. I’ve had better days
  4. Menza Menza (Italian for half and half or so-so)

None of those are especially positive because again we often seem reluctant to proclaim good health and good spirits.

Of course at the other end of the spectrum are those people who always seem to be great and can’t wait to tell you. They almost brag about their good health and good fortune.You greet them with a simple “how are you today” and they got into a long diatribe about how life could not get any better.

Instead of their positive energy spreading to you it’s had the opposite effect and you are now physically ill. That’s a bit of an exaggeration but you know what I mean.

I bring this all up today for two reasons. One I have nothing really positive to contribute and two I have been feeling lousy. Two weeks ago I came down with a head cold which wiped me out for a few days. I really couldn’t complain too much because I had not been sick for one day all winter.

However just as I got over that last Thursday out of nowhere I was down for the count with some type of intestinal virus, something I’ve managed to avoid for years.I felt terrible and it put me in a lousy mood and while I’m better today I’m not 100% and haven’t really eaten anything solid unless you count toast, crackers and matzos.

The only positive is I’ve been leaving work early and finally started watching season four of "Boardwalk Empire."

I promise that when I fully recover and someone asks me how I feel I will respond with “AHHHHHHHHH!"


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