Ocean County, When Will We Warm Up?
We've had snow, frigid temps, and school delays. When will we warm up? That's the question I'm hearing today and I'm receiving emails asking this morning.
WOBM's Meteorologist says this weekend, especially Sunday, will be the "big" warm-up, if mid 40's is warm to you. CLICK HERE for Dan's Blog. Maybe you're like one of the ladies in the WAWA I trek into in the morning, she loves this weather. She loves it cold and she loves the snow. "It feels like Christmas." That's what she says. It is the joy of living in the Northeast, we have the seasons, and at times becomes very cold. We will be warming up!
Do you like the cold? How do you keep warm? As I get older, I just can't get warm. (LOL) I sound like my Mom.
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