Ocean protection advocates in New Jersey and New York will be launching a campaign by land and sea to rally support for The Federal Clean Ocean Zone Legislation they say is languishing on Capitol Hill.

Clean Ocean Action Executive Director Cindy Zipf says the Tour for the Shore initiative is a 15 day campaign from August 10th to the 24th aimed at drawing public attention to the ocean and the threats it faces.

Zipf says "Margo Pelligrino will be paddling an outrigger canoe from Cape May Point to Montauk, New York and Sean Dixon, our Coastal Policy Attorney will be paralleling her along the land on a bicycle."

Zipf says there will also be rallies, action-tables, and beach teams along the way in every coastal district and elected leaders will be urged to participate to support the initiative. They're also encouraging the public to "Get in Motion for the Ocean" and join them on the journey by boat, bike, on foot, surfing and swimming. Get the details at cleanoceanzone.org , cleanoceanaction.org or by calling 732-872-0111.

She says the Clean Ocean Zone bill was created to lock out reckless development, oil exploration and pollution in the New Jersey New York Bite.



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