Know The Off-Season Parking Rules For Key Jersey Shore Towns
This past weekend I took advantage of the spring-like weather that we briefly got to enjoy here at the Jersey Shore in the middle of winter and spent some time on the boardwalk in Point Pleasant Beach.
In addition to the unusually warm weather, another perk that visitors got to enjoy was the off-season free parking in Point Beach's municipal parking lot.
It's one of those little lifehacks that you might not realize if you're not a local, but if you take a look at the signs that are placed around the lot, you'll see that the parking rates are only enforced for 8 months out of the year, so you can save yourself a few bucks in the winter.
But the rules differ by destination, so here are four of the Jersey Shore's most popular boardwalks and what you need to know for off-season parking:
Asbury Park
Paid parking is enforced year-round in Asbury Park, but off-season and peak-season rates and dates have been changed.
The Asbury Park Press reports that the off-season is now considered April 15th to October 15th, during which, parking rates range from $0.50 during the week to to $2 an hour for prime spots at the waterfront on the weekend.
During the summer, rates are $1 an hour during the week in two out of the three zones, but $2 an hour everywhere when the weekend rolls around.
Point Pleasant Beach
As I mentioned above, the rates at the pay-to-park lot at Ocean and Arnold Avenues is only enforced from March 1st through October 31st.
While you can park in the municipal lot for free during the off-season, Point Pleasant Beach officials make a point to remind visitors that this only applies to the municipal lot.
If you park in a space with a meter or at the train station, you'll need to pay for your spot or you'll be greeted by a ticket when you get back to your car.
Seaside Heights & Seaside Park
Seaside Heights and Seaside Park also enforce paid parking seasonally from April 1st through October 31st at the respective boroughs' spots and lots.
Rates at private parking lots vary (and, as we all know well, they can vary wildly during the peak season and big events), so be sure to look for signs before you pull into a spot.
As always, if you're unsure, look for signs, especially in towns where there are different parking zones and private lots between public lots.
You can click here for the official Asbury Park page.
Click here for the official Point Pleasant Beach page.
Click here for the official Seaside Heights page.
Click here for the official Seaside Park page.

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