Soon You’ll Be Able To Pay To Park In Seaside Right On Your Phone
We all know the feeling of enjoying some time at the beach when we suddenly glance at our watches just to realize that there are mere moments left on the parking meter.
The ensuing mad dash to the closest pay station will soon be a thing of the past when Seaside Heights installs new mobile app-enabled parking meters.
According to Shorebeat, the Borough will be transitioning to new parking meters that will allow visitors to start a parking session and even add time right on their phones by next summer.
Asbury Park has employed the "Asbury PARK" mobile app for about two years now, and I can tell you from personal experience that it definitely takes some stress out of spending a few hours in town.
The Asbury Park version of the app will even alert you on your smartphone when your metered time is just about up. Then, you can either start heading to your car, or you can add some more time right from your device.
The Shorebeat article says that the Borough Council will award a contract to install the meters next month, and the system should be operational relatively quickly, certainly by next year's beach season.