Kevin’s Kids Christmas Drive Needs Your Help
It's hard to believe the holiday season is rapidly approaching again.
It feels like yesterday we were just celebrating Christmas 2010 and ringing in 2011 as the new year. But yes, it's true. Santa Claus is on his way again, the festival of lights are coming too and so is Kwanza. There's one group based out of the Manchester Township Middle School in Ocean County that has a very important mission this time each year.
This will be the 29th year of the Kevin's Kids Christmas Drive. Residents of Manchester have helped provide for families in need through the school district-run program. Donations can be made by dropping off a check, clothing, nonperishable foods and toys at the Middle School. Last year, the drive helped over 400 families have a happy holiday season.
Organizer/Director Kevin Burger, who serves as the Director of Student and Administrative Services for the district, says that the time for the drive always sneaks up on them very quickly each year. He says "with each passing year, the demand goes up and this time is no exception. Although the economy is recovering slowly, the numbers keep increasing. We want to help everyone we can."
Monetary donations are requested so that volunteers may shop for specific items on the children's wish lists.
Checks should be made payable to Manchester Township Middle School with a notation of Kevin's Kids. Checks can be dropped off at any Manchester school office or mailed to:
Manchester Twp Middle School, 2759 Ridgeway Rd., Manchester NJ 08759.
The deadline is December 9th.