It began with a disagreement between a Holmdel High School student and the school. It will end with a meeting with the President in Washington on Thursday.

In a recent Patch article, it was reported that Boris Kizenko, a 16-year-old junior at Holmdel High was invited to the Rose Garden this Thursday, March 21 to hear the President give an address about higher education. A White House official confirmed that Kizenko was indeed invited to Thursday's event.

Kizenko said he was excluded from the National Honor Society due to his support for President Trump. Kizenko is a former class president, has an above-4.0 grade average and has fulfilled the required community service time. He came up with a tee shirt "Make Holmdel Great Again".

School administrators disagreed. Kizenko said they told him he was barred from entry into the prestigious group due to a "character" issue.

Tomorrow, President Trump will speak at 3 p.m. in the Rose Garden about the importance of freedom of speech on college campuses. Kizenko said he believes he will have the opportunity to meet and take a photo alongside the president.


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