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What do you do to get some fresh air and exercise during a pandemic? Well in my opinion it’s hiking. Hiking is a great way to get outdoors and do it safely. You can get outdoors and get exercise and fresh air, which I think many of us can lack at times while we stay home during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

I know that we have had times where we said “we gotta get up and out” after having some time basically staying close to home. When we hike we practice social distancing and we bring a mask. If we encounter other hikers we simply slip the mask on for everyone’s safety.....although I do feel so much safer outdoors as opposed to indoor activities. Hiking not only benefits you physically, but it clears the mind and we know that’s just as important during a pandemic. This is what we like and everyone is different so find your groove :)

Our latest hike was in Delaware at Alapocas State Run Park  in Wilmington. About a 90 minute to 2 hour drive from the Jersey Shore. It’s a beautiful park and has something for everyone. There are both paved trails and wooded trails. Lots of hiking space and visual beauty. We did encounter some inclines and some mud and water. I would probably label this as a moderate trail location. Even the paved trail ways have some inclines, so if you were not used to walking or disabled it might be difficult going up and down at times, but nothing too crazy. We did almost 10 miles and enjoyed the walk and the views. Trails are well marked. I give Alapocas State Run Park  two thumbs up 👍🏻👍🏻

Check out my photo gallery and video from our Delaware adventure and we felt completely safe and Covid free.

Hiking NJ & Beyond: Alapocas State Run Park

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