Here’s How You Can Practice Self-Care at the Jersey Shore
Today, July 24th is National Self-Care Day!
Self-care has been sort of a buzz word recently, but it's truly important, especially during uncertain times. Self-care is more than about putting on a face mask (as I've often seen it reduced to on social media posts). Psych Central defines self-care as "any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health."
Good Morning America listed some great ways you can practice self-care, (writing things down, practicing gratitude), but I wanted to expand on that list and talk about how you can practice self-care here at the Jersey Shore.
1. Take a (Virtual) Fitness Class
Under different circumstances, I would suggest going to a fitness center in person and trying a new class, but because of current limitations, traditional gyms may not be an option. However, many Jersey Shore fitness centers are holding virtual classes. Working out can really improve your mental state, and I always feel good knowing I did something for myself when my workout is finished.
2. Go to the Beach
How lucky are we to live so close to the beach? There is nothing like a day in nature to improve your mental state. Walking on the sand is comforting, and hearing the waves crash is so relaxing. Just don't forget to practice social distancing and wear a mask when you go!
3. Go for a Walk or Hike in Nature
The beach isn't the only place you can find comfort in nature - NJ is home to some great hiking trails. I love listening to a favorite podcast or some music and getting "lost" on a hike. Shawn Michaels has highlighted some great hiking trails. Don't forget to mask up, and bring water!
4. Listen to Music
Listening to music can really boost your mood - I have a ton of playlists built to make me happy. Lately, I have been turning on my favorite songs and dancing alone! You can also listen to music "with" me middays from 10 am - 3 pm on 92.7 WOBM!
5. Talk to a Mental Health Professional
Most people only consider therapy when things are going wrong, but it's not a bad idea to see a professional even when things are going well. It does the mind good to talk to an unbiased person who can help you organize your thoughts, and get a new outlook on a situation. Many counselors and therapists are offering virtual sessions now too, so if you're hesitant to go out, that's an option.
Remember to practice good self-care not only today but every day!

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