Bye Bye Humphrey! Check Out This Awesome Sea Turtle Release in Point Pleasent
Someone get the more tissues. Sea Turtle Recovery has successfully rehabbed a Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Humphrey, and released him back into the ocean in Point Pleasent yesterday. The adorable event that was live streamed by people and other press organizations is slowly going viral on the internet.
Sea Turtle Recovery is located at the Essex County Turtle Back Zoo and has rehabilitated and released a total of ten endangered sea turtles in southern waters since opening last December. Humphrey was very special, though. The 88-pound turtle was the first sea turtle to be released in New Jersey because the conditions are "just right".
Humphrey is only 12 years old and according to the National Wildlife Federation, he has a loooonnnggg lifespan of 50 years!
I feel like at this point if you have been reading some of my blogs regularly I don't have to explain my love for turtles, specifically sea turtles. It breaks my heart when I read about some of the conditions that these peaceful creatures get entangled in. If you go to Sea Turtle Recovery's website you can adopt a sea-turtle that they intend to rehabilitate and release.
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