
suing the epa
suing the epa
suing the epa
Swimmers taking a dip in the nations oceans, bays and lakes still stand a greater chance of getting sick, according to coastal advocates across the country who are planning to sue the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Inspiring Day At Paralympic Games
Inspiring Day At Paralympic Games
Inspiring Day At Paralympic Games
When my friend won 2 tickets to fly British Airways to London and invited me to be her travel companion and then scheduled the trip for September so she could attend a friend's wedding, we heard a lot of "Aw, too bad you won't be in London for the Olympics...
Ocean County Are You Ready…Bathing Suits?
Ocean County Are You Ready…Bathing Suits?
Ocean County Are You Ready…Bathing Suits?
Here in Ocean County we have the best beaches anywhere!  Sand in your toes, nice chilly waves and sunshine and boardwalks galore....but you know what that means--- Bathing Suit time! Does that make you shrug...definitely.  But like it or not, it's right around the corner.  That little polka-dot bikini!