
Watch – Justin’s Dorky Dog [Video]
Watch – Justin’s Dorky Dog [Video]
Watch – Justin’s Dorky Dog [Video]
I just felt like I had to share this video. My dog is a dork. And I mean that in the best way possible. She's definitely not a puppy anymore - 14 years old. Like most senior dogs, she spends a lot of her time sleeping. But every now and then she gets these ridiculous bursts of energy. One of her nightly rituals when we go out for our walk is to literally race back to the house. She gets a running
What Do You Do If Your Dog is a Picky Eater?
What Do You Do If Your Dog is a Picky Eater?
What Do You Do If Your Dog is a Picky Eater?
My dog has always been a really good eater. She doesn't wolf food down like some dogs do, and she'd usually eat when she wanted and leave the rest for later. But recently, she's gotten a lot more picky, to the point of it now being a concern.

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