Last year in the Garden State, 163 people were struck and killed by vehicles on our roadways.

Flickr User Dave in the triad

In response, officials are stepping up efforts to improve safety all over New Jersey.

"I'm also urging all pedestrians to use common sense when you cross the road - wear bright colored reflective clothing especially at night, walk on sidewalks and always cross at the corner, within marked cross-walks, and if there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic and maintain eye contact with motorists at all times," says New Jersey Attorney General Jeff Chiesa.

He's also advising pedestrians to never cross mid-block unless they're in a cross walk, and never climb over median barriers or walk between parked cars to cross the road.

David Matthau, Townsquare Media NJ
David Matthau, Townsquare Media NJ

"Look left, then right, then left again before crossing and look for turning cars when crossing, and don't text or talk on a cell phone when you're crossing," he says.

"Currently, 35 percent of our fatalities - think about that - 35 percent of our fatalities on of our roadways this year are pedestrian related," Gary Poedubicky, the Acting Director of the State Division of Highway Traffic Safety says. "That is twice the number of the national average and just way too high. I've been in highway safety for a long time and I've never seen numbers like this - it's a real concern, it's a shared responsibility for both the motorists as well as the pedestrian."

Attorney General Chiesa stresses young people need to put away their cell phones when crossing a highway , because "they're always texting, and it can be dangerous."

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