Why Would I Mention A Get Rid of Everything Sale in CT?
Each time you move you likely acquire more “stuff” which at some point you will have to deal with. I’ve been in the same house for nearly four decades and we have plenty of things that I’m sure in the end will be tossed, donated or sold. However in that same time period my sister-in-law has lived in five states, eight cities and close to 20 different homes. We often shake our heads when during one of their daily phone calls Judy Cummins tells my wife…”oh and we’re moving again.”
Judy, like her two sisters grew up in Jackson and graduated from what was them St. Joseph’s (now Donovan Catholic) High School. Her college days took her to the Rutgers and then the University of Rhode Island for her Masters. She lived in Nutley, Highland Park, Bedminster and Westfield before the family went west…to Absarokee, Montana in 2010 to live on a true cattle ranch which I did visit and loved. A few years later it was on to Steamboat Springs, Colorado and finally for family reasons she and her husband Ron returned east to Wilton, Connecticut where in three years they’ve lived in two homes.
Why do I mention all of this? First I’m simply amazed that any two people could pack and unpack that many times. They have a keen eye when it comes to real estate, do their homework and Judy seems to take decorating each home as a welcome challenge…at least I think so.
The second reason I’m mentioning this is they are moving again…not far away to Norwalk, Connecticut where for now they are renting. This also means it is time to finally get rid of all they have acquired over the years and on Saturday will be having a massive moving sale. There is so much that my wife and her best friend Dawn are going up for the weekend to help out…and probably bring some things home. I can’t wait to see a picture of everything on display.
By the way if you know anyone who lives in or around Wilton, CT send them to 88 Old Kings Highway between 9-4 on Saturday…rain or shine. Tell them Kevin sent you!
Here is where all “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” live