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Be forewarned because this article has no information, but it is an attempt to get the information and then pass it along to our listeners. After doing my own searching, I realized I could not find the answer to this question, so I turn to you in the community.

For years I have been driving to work around 3:30 a.m. and I see this beautiful sight. A cross that glows along the bank of Lake Pohatcong in Downtown Tuckerton. I see it from Route 9 as I pass the Tuckerton Seaport.

Shawn Michaels
Shawn Michaels

Now I know the answer may be simple and come quick, but that’s fine because we will then know about this landmark and we can share it with others. I can’t be the only person who has seen the cross glowing on the lake and wondered “what is the story behind this?”.

I will say this and add this to my article. I think that this symbolism is good, especially with all we have been through with the Coronavirus Pandemic. Regardless of what religion, if any, you follow, a cross symbolizes Christ, faith, and hope, at least that’s how I interpret a cross. This is a very holy time of year with Lent about to begin (Wednesday) and Passover next month. I think seeing this cross illuminated on the lake is beautiful and just gives you a nice thought as you drive by and we need this positive symbolism to help us stay on track during these turbulent times.

So what is the story behind the cross on the lake? I’d love to get your feedback and help answer this question. Next time you are driving by Lake Pohatcong after dark, look for the cross glowing by the lake's edge. Hopefully, you get a “feel good” moment as well :)

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