There are so many great local athletes right here at the shore and now there is a place where they can be shown off in a wonderful light.  High School is tough, being on top of your sport, and still being an awesome human being...I love this story!  Vote for Daryn Blackwell!  CLICK HERE to vote!


According to the patch, Daryn Blackwell needs your votes.  The Heart of a Giant Award, awards honors players because of their dedication, commitment, character, and will.

Toms River North football coach Dave Oizerowitz says about Daryn,

As good a football playing Daryn is, and he is excellent, he is an even better human being.  He is a tremendous ambassador for our school.


Toms River and Ocean County, let's rally around this great "Heart of a Giant Award"!

One grand prize winner will be selected based on video submissions stating why they have the Heart of a Giant and that winner will be honored on the field during a New York Giants home game.  Awesome good luck, Daryn Blackwell and thanks for being a cool, great guy!  CLICK HERE to VOTE for DARYN BLACKWELL!

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