Everything You Need to be Prepared for New Jersey’s Next Thunderstorm
Because bread and milk aren't enough.
Summer is here, and while that means fantastic weather for The Garden State, it also means it's thunderstorm and hurricane season.
It's important to be prepared for any sort of emergency, but thunderstorms affect us even more so at the shore since we're so close to the water. We need to watch out for floods, power outages, and water damage.
How many times have you thought "it can never happen to me?" Or you put off going emergency supply shopping because you don't think it's a big deal. It's a trap we fall so easily into.
If there's anything we've learned from past hurricanes, it's that you can never be too prepared. Better to be safe, than sorry.
Instead of rushing to the supermarket the day a storm is headed in our direction, and being confronted with empty shelves and long lines, take this as a sign to stock up now (and no, I don't mean you should buy a bunch of bread and milk).
There are several things we overlook when it comes to packing emergency supplies. Sure, food and water come to mind. But what about our furry friends? And what about other household items?
Once you set up an emergency kit, you most likely won't need to restock for a while. And many supplies could come in handy for other emergency situations: like snowstorms, tornados (because we've seen a few of those in NJ), and in the case of another lockdown (which hopefully never happens again).
Make sure you're prepared for thunderstorms and other emergencies with these essential items, according to weather.gov.
10 Things To Have in an Emergency Thunderstorm Kit
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