The Deadliest Household Items For Your Dog
So let me start this article by pleading ignorance, I did not know about a certain food that is very harmful to our dog .... until I had given Dexter a few. What am I talking about, raisins. I never knew raisins are bad for dogs. Before I go further, Dexter only had one or two and he had no problems. Guess he isn’t a fan of raisins. This did make me think if this seemingly innocent food can be a problem for dogs, what other foods are dangerous to a dogs health. This was an eye opener. April was like “are you giving Dexter raisins?!” to which I replied “yes it’s a healthy snack” DUH! maybe for me but not our scratch them off the dog treats list.
Moving forward I decided to do some investigating on the search for the most dangerous household items for our dogs. My investigation led me to an article by “The Dog People” and they listed a few categories that could be dangers for your dog around the house. Food, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and other odds and ends. For my article I’m going to focus heavily on “food” dangers, but you can check out the other categories to see what to keep away from your dogs. So let’s jump into “Dog People” list of foods to avoid to keep your dogs safe.
- Chocolate: This one we’ve have all heard. No chocolate and dark chocolate and cooking chocolate are these WORST for dogs. Chocolate can cause “toxicosis” and might lead your dog to have seizures and possibly even death
- Grapes/Raisins : This is the one I learned the hard way. Can cause acute renal failure/kidney failure.
- Onions : Onions kill canine blood cells according to the Dog People report. Onion powdered foods should also be avoided.
- Avocados : The risk is if they get into an avocado the big seed is a choke hazard.
- Coffee ☕️: Caffeine is not good for dogs.
- Macadamia Nuts: These are poisonous to dogs. Watch foods that include macadamia nuts too.
- Alcohol : Booze can cause liver & kidney damage just like in humans (Spuds McKenzey )
- Raw Meat : Some dogs are susceptible to salmonella & other bacterial poisonings.
- Chicken Bones : They brake apart and splinter and cause bad stuff for dogs.
So there you go, hopefully giving you some info to keep your dogs safe and sound at home. CLICK HERE for the complete article and additional dangers at home.