
Meet My New Dog!
Meet My New Dog!
Meet My New Dog!
My Birthday Week was made a little happier with the addition of a new family member.  I adopted an adorable hound mix named Taylor.  She's settling in nicely, happy to have a forever home after being surrendered when she got pregnant.  Taylor's puppies found families but Taylor remained in the care of a rescue organization, until I adopted her...
An Adorable Fox Walks up to Strangers for Help [Video]
An Adorable Fox Walks up to Strangers for Help [Video]
An Adorable Fox Walks up to Strangers for Help [Video]
The last cute video of a critter making friends with a person that I posted was so popular that I couldn't resist sharing another. In this one, a poor little fox is stuck in a glass jar. Instead of running away from people like a non-domesticated animal usually would, it walks right up to a man for help. Watch the cute video here: