
Mary Lee's Birthplace?
Mary Lee's Birthplace?
Mary Lee's Birthplace?
Due to her frequent visits to the New Jersey coast over the last few years, Mary Lee the great white shark has become just about as much of a celebrity as Snooki and JWoww (and probably more beloved). Now, researchers think that they've made a major discovery just north of us.
Stacks Of Rocks On Jersey Beaches:  Serene or Annoying?
Stacks Of Rocks On Jersey Beaches: Serene or Annoying?
Stacks Of Rocks On Jersey Beaches: Serene or Annoying?
As I was walking along the beach this weekend I was struck by the number of rock towers I saw.  They were just stones stacked one on top of the other yet I found them interesting and kind of beautiful, so I took some photos.  I figure they must serve some spiritual purpose so I sat myself on a large rock and enjoyed some quiet contemplation while looking at the "sculpture...
What’s Your Favorite Ocean County Wildlife?
What’s Your Favorite Ocean County Wildlife?
What’s Your Favorite Ocean County Wildlife?
I was walking my dog the other day when I was surprised by the object that you see in the photo above. At first I thought that someone had put a large rock in the middle of the grass, but upon closer inspection I realized what it was pretty quickly:
Another Pest Is Back At The Shore
Another Pest Is Back At The Shore
Another Pest Is Back At The Shore
Just two weeks ago we told you about the early and intense invasion of ticks throughout the Jersey Shore. Well, not to be the bearer of bad news, but another nuisance pest is making a return to our area right now.

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