When it's so stinkin' hot outside, the last thing we want to do is turn on the oven, right? Heating up the house is NOT a good idea during weather like this. Honestly, I don't really even want to use the stove to make pasta.
Thankfully, I've got some in the freezer (did you know you can make a big batch of macaroni and then freeze it in individual servings...
I don’t know what came over me this weekend. I reached deep into the corner of my dark kitchen cabinet and pulled out something I hardly ever use. A panini press.
I may never know why I was led to this kitchen gadget but suffice to say it made my Sunday...
When it's so hot and humid outside, who wants to work over a hot stove? Who wants to heat up the kitchen while something's baking in the oven?
On days like today, salad is always a good standby. I sometimes add the pre-packaged, cooked chicken slices from the supermarket...