Sue’s Mommy Blog – Dyeing Easter Eggs with Rice
My daughter is the love of my life - fresh, funny, truly a wonderful little soul that brings me sunshine every day. She's now 12 and her life and what she does is just so funny, it’s too funny not to talk about or write about. It’s all about sharing our adventures with you. Time flies. Thanks for all of your advice through the years, mom's we are never alone! I guess it should be "Sue's Mom Blog" since she's so grown up now, I'm totally laughing out loud at that!
Dyeing Easter Eggs is one of my favorite memories as a kid. It's always fun when I can do it with Abby. This year we tried Dyeing Easter Eggs with rice!? I know weird, but it turned out pretty cool! It was a lot of fun, making memories, and dumping the rice - here's a tip for you, make sure to close the Ziploc bag tight:
What you'll need:
Ziploc baggies / baggies that close
Food Coloring
1 small bag of rice
Hard-boiled eggs
If you choose you can use rubber gloves.
I love trying new things, if you have a cool way of dyeing eggs, I'd love to try it out!