Speeding On The Garden State Parkway? Now You Have To Go To Court
If you've been on the Garden State Parkway in the last month or so, you've probably noticed a new message on the electronic signs that dot the highway every couple of miles.
"Caught Speeding? Mandatory Court Appearance"
You read that correctly, if you get pulled over for speeding on the Garden State Parkway by a state trooper, you have to go to court.
It's worth noting that of course during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic right now, you're not going to get a court date any time soon, as TAPinto points out.
I have to admit, during my daily commute on the Parkway, it feels like people are driving faster than usual (and people usually drive pretty fast!).
And it's not just me being a curmudgeon, in a recent article, Reuters pointed out that fewer cars on the roads around the world have been tempting led-footed drivers to hit the gas even more than usual.
So if you get the temptation to push your speedometer a little further than usual while the highways are emptier than normal, keep in mind that it's not going to be as easy as dropping a check in the mail or paying online anymore, you're going to have to show up at court to try to make your case.

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