Short Stacks to Feed the Need
A fundraiser that involves food and eating is certainly nothing new. they are held each week somewhere in the area. Like anything else there are ones that do hold special meaning and one of them is coming up on Saturday, March 25 in the Applebee’s at the Ocean County Mall from 8 a.m. -10 a.m.
Short Stacks for a Tall Cause is a flapjack fundraiser to support If There Is A Need We Will Feed, a true grassroots organization that feeds and delivers meals to those in need during the holidays and other times of year as well. The non-profit was born out of Superstorm Sandy and created largely through the efforts of Cliff Baker and Chef Mike Jurusz and works with all volunteers, among them Christine Hernandez & Michelle Jones.
So here is the deal with the breakfast on March 25th. Tickets are $10 and the meal includes pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs and a beverage. You can help by purchasing tickets and coming to the breakfast in which there will be a face painter for kids as well as balloon animals. There is a second way to help and that is to buy tickets as a donation which will be given to those in need which is a very cool thing to do.
Whether we want to admit it or not there are many in need right here in Ocean County. That includes those who are homeless and many veterans who could use a little help and this is a simple, easy and inexpensive way to make a difference.
To support Short Stacks for a Tall Cause on March 25 at the Applebee’s in the Ocean County Mall visit or call Michelle at 732-539-7830.
A postscript to yesterday’s lack of snowstorm. I saw many negative comments on social media in regards to schools being closed. Those who made critical remarks would likely be the first ones to do the same if schools were opened and their children had trouble getting there or worse yet there was some kind of accident due to the weather.