Jersey Shore News

Sorry to make this a crappy story but it truly is because this Ocean County Beach is closed and it's because of poop. Fecal bacteria is the culprit. According to KnowYourH2O, "Fecal coliform bacteria are microscopic organisms that live in the intestines of warm-blooded animals. They also live in the waste material, or feces, excreted from the intestinal tract."


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Fecal Bacteria





According to Patch, "Swimming has been banned at the Beachwood borough beach on the Toms River due to high fecal bacteria levels, according to the state Department of Environmental Protection." Keep in mind, "The beaches are resampled daily until the water quality results are within standards."


Swimming in high fecal contaminated water can cause numerous health issues including:

  • vomiting
  • skin rashes
  • diarrhea
  • sore throat
  • nausea
  • earaches
  • flu-like symptoms
  • runny nose


We will keep you up to date on the status of swimming at Beachwood Beach this summer.


Swimming Ban


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