Man Saves Beach Haven Swimmers From A Shark With His Bare Hands [Video]
When a shark is spotted getting a little too close to any beach that people are swimming at, it can get intense.
But things took an unexpected turn this past weekend when a man on Long Beach Island dove in with his bare hands to help. Literally.
On Sunday, as a sand shark was spotted in the water near swimmers in Beach Haven, lifeguards quickly cleared the water.
A crowd gathered as the shark, seemingly in distress, got close to beaching itself on the sand.
So, naturally, a bystander did the logical thing.
You know, what I think we would all do in a similar situation.
He dove right in and grabbed it with his bare hands.
Watch for yourself:
Credit where it's due. Not many people can say "I saved a Jersey Shore beach full of people from a shark with my bare hands".
But this guy can.
Up Next - Skycam 927, the WOBM drone, didn't spot any sharks on this flight: