Making More Than Just Transit Connections in New Jersey
Love stories about young couples meeting on a train or bus or airplane. "This Is Us" character William started courting a young woman he would see on the bus every day.
This got me thinking about the wonderful people I've met in my travels. I mean the people that were literally sitting next to me on planes, trains, and buses.
There's the actor/singer who was taking a bus to the hospital to visit his friend. I gave him directions which then led to an hour-long conversation. We've since hung out socially.
There's the young pilot who engaged me in excellent conversation during a long NJ Transit train delay. We passed time showing each other photos of our travels. Gotta love those smart phones!
There's the journalist who I bonded with over a technical glitch on the airplane we were both on. The system which plays video and audio was not working where we were seated so we spent hours talking and laughing instead of watching movies. We met up again the last time I was in England.
Have you ever made friends with someone on a bus, train or plane? Are you still in touch?
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