In an effort to prevent injuries and deaths during Little League games, there are new requirements that will do away with several high-end composite bats.

baseball bat

While some are disappointed so-called juiced-up bats are now banned, the new restrictions help to keep the game fun and even the playing field. In the past few years, there have been several incidents in the United States that involved kids getting severely injured or even killed as a result of what's supposed to be a fun sport. The latest bat restrictions are just the next step in trying to prevent tragedy and keep things fun all around.

While each level of Little League will see changes in their bat requirements, it's the Major Division that will see the most. Because pitching mounds are less than 50 feet away from the plate, the kids up to pitch are the most at risk. The new rules will make sure the bat won't be more than thirty-three inches in length or more than 2 and a quarter inches in diameter.

The standard nowadays in the Garden State are wooden or aluminum bats. Metal bats were banned several years back.

Eric Zanetti is the safety officer for the Toms River Little League. He says parents shouldn't feel like they need a P.H.D. in bat technology to purchase a safe one for their child. He says "it shouldn't be rocket science or difficult for that matter. There are several on the market. Local sporting goods stores have plenty of knowledge about the regulations and they can help you. You can still purchase them online too."

Zanetti adds "some bats manufactured during the last few years that should be for young kids to enjoy, were built like one for the major leaguers. There is so much force and velocity behind them that many were concerned. That's the main reason for the new rules."



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