We are so lucky that the Jersey Shore has some of the most amazing restaurants in the whole state right in our own backyard, and we want to celebrate them.

Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash
Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

The world is full of lists these days, and one of the most popular topics for those lists is restaurants. We always want to know which is the best, and we don't want to miss a thing.

Of course, there is never a correct answer to any of these questions since our individual tastes vary so much.

Photo by Kelvin T on Unsplash
Photo by Kelvin T on Unsplash

Some of us are the "pizza and beer" type. We're not looking to get dressed up. We're not looking for candles, and we like our napkins to be paper.

There are many who love the fine dining experience, and we want the dim lighting, we want several courses, and we want to put on the best clothes in our closets.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Most of us are a little of both, and that is why I came up with this list. This is not necessarily a list of the 10 best restaurants at the Jersey Shore, although I obviously think any of these great restaurants would be very comfortable on a list like that.

These are simply 10 great restaurants that I have enjoyed very much over the years, and ones I think you would enjoy, too. There are plenty more that could make the list, and feel free to let us know which ones you think they are.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Maybe you can use this as a bit of a checklist, and when we've been to them all, I'll make another list. There is certainly no shortage of great restaurants here at the Jersey Shore. Enjoy.

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