Information on Berkeley Township’s Trick or Treat
Mayor of Berkeley Township Carmen Amato wishes everyone a safe and fun Halloween.
Halloween is Saturday October 31st, 2020. This year Halloween is on a Saturday. Trick or Treat times in Berkeley Township are 12:00 pm - 7 pm. There are guidelines, especially this year because of the coronavirus.
New Jersey Trick or Treat Guidelines:
a. Those who plan to trick-or-treat should limit their groups to current household members, consider staying local, and limit the number of houses on their route. Social distancing should be practiced between all who are not in the same household.
b. For those putting out treats: i. Good option: Limit interaction or contact with trick-or-treaters, wear a mask when individuals come to the door, and regularly wash hands. ii. Better option: Leave a treat bowl on a porch or table or in a place where it may be easily accessed while adhering to social distancing requirements. iii. Best option: Arrange individually packaged candy so that trick or treaters can grab and go without accessing a shared bowl.
c. Consider coordinating with neighbors to develop a system, such as signs or on/off porch lights, for distinguishing houses participating in trick-or-treating from those that do not wish to participate.
d. Wear a face mask to mitigate against COVID-19 exposure. Costume masks are not an acceptable substitute but can be supplemented with a cloth or disposable mask. Children under two should not wear a cloth mask.
e. Candy should be commercially packaged and non-perishable. Consider individual nonfood “treats” to avoid sharing of food.
f. Practice hand hygiene (wash hands or use hand sanitizer) before leaving your home, after touching objects such as wrapped candy, and when arriving home.
Remember if you don't want Trick or Treaters to come to your home, please turn off your front light.
Happy Halloween, stay safe and have fun.👻🎃
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