Historical Landmark Designated in Lakewood

Marking history here at the Jersey Shore .... the Lakewood Township Committee designated a red oak tree at the Ella G. Clarke School in Lakewood, a historical landmark.

Having historical designation means this tree will be protected by the Township for all times.

Using a tree friendly formula, students at the Clarke School estimated the tree to be 201 years old, older than the township which was established in 1892.

Lakewood has been awarded “Tree City USA” for the past 35 years for its outstanding urban forestry.

The Shade Tree Commission members include Zev Stern, chairman of the Lakewood Shade Tree Commission; Craig J. Theibault, vice chairman; Tzvi Gordon, Raphael Miller, Moshe Raitzik, and Mary Kay Malec, secretary.

Thanks Lakewood for preserving our history and forestry here at the Jersey Shore.



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