Great Kids at Home Event “The Halloween Critter Count”

April showed me this cool event for the family and I thought this is a great way to have some Halloween fun and be safe at home and learn. In fact this might be something great for kids doing remote learning.
Its the "At-Home Halloween Critter Count" Hosted by Jacques Cousteau NERR
This is a real simple, kids look for "critters" on an at-home scavenger hunt and photograph and share their finds. I was thinking, what are "critters" we I am assuming it's any wildlife in your neighborhood. Maybe rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, bugs etc. and we have plenty of those here in Ocean County. There are so many places to find critters that fit the spooky season! See how many you can spot from October 28th-31st.
According to their "Critter Count" Facebook page, families can post photos of any "critters" they find at-home and then tag it with the has tag #halloweencrittercount. Kids can use that hashtag, or email your favorite finds directly to plantarich@marine.rutgers.edu to be exclusively featured on both their Facebook and Instagram pages!
This is a fun event for the whole family and something that is both fun and educational, getting to know all the critters we live with here in Ocean County.
Seek by iNaturalist from iNaturalist on Vimeo.
There is also an APP you can download to help identify your critters. While you are at it, don't forget to download the FREE 92.7 WOBM APP

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